Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Student: My Teacher

Once upon a time there was a teacher.
Children worshipped her ‘for she’s not a preacher!’
She loved her job and toiled with a passion
To make learning truly educative was her mission.

Family ties paled
before her commitment to ‘her pupils’
The magic wand she wielded
formed many disciples.
Every trip to knowledge land
was carefully designed
Every scholar rewarded,
none was ever fined.
The dullest child became a ‘performer’
touched by her zeal
Her impassioned involvement comforted
and many a wound healed.

Laurels fell into her lap
with submissive regularity
Her reputation grew
along with her seniority.

Yet she guarded
a terrible secret,
The one if revealed,
her life’s work would desecrate.
Counselling she did much,
talked to her ‘inner’ self
But faced with reality ,
her ‘courage’ would shatter beyond help.
She feared this ‘ senseless’ fear
and thus possibly protected and guarded it dear.
the one she dared not face
For if revealed, her life’s work
would vanish without a trace.

This ‘perfect’ teacher could not stand deformity of any kind
Be it of body and limbs or be it of the mind!
Her ‘educated’ mind ran hither thither
Faced with an imperfect body or a ‘special’ mind, it closed down in fear .

Fulfilment coloured
the years rolling by
Touches of grey in hair spoke
of how time can fly.
Then one day,
a child arrived in school
Limbs inert,
mouth adrool.

The ‘perfect’ teacher was summoned to the Principal’s office
Unknowing of the task ahead , she sallied into the hallowed edifice.
‘Meet Mrs.X, a treasure of our school’ lauded the principal
‘Ma’am , these gentleman has only been exposed to refusal

Our school has been the choice
ever since the boy was born
He would have been already a student
had the ‘accident’ not torn
The fabric of a planned future,
the security of a ‘complete’ family.
The tumbling car killed everyone
and left this mite without an ally.

Hanging between life and death many a month passed
Recovering in body at last, the ‘mind’ has been lost.’
Spoke up the gentleman, ‘I am his father’s friend, not any kith or kin.
Numerous homes this ‘unlucky’ one has , in the past months been.
But who will take care
of such a burden?
Everyone has sympathised
and requested pardon.

Tried many adoptive homes
and many residential schools
But they seem to be bound
by ‘unfortunate’ rules.
Came to you in trepidation
yet with some hope
It’s up to you now
to say yes or nope.’

‘I am happy to say yes and consider your special request.
Mrs X, in your loving care will the ‘hurt’ soul nest.
Request I to you to provide him a shelter.
I’ll be with you in any difficulty you encounter.’


Thus the ‘perfect’ teacher
took up her charge.
Her mind numb with the task
she was to discharge.
How will she act ,
how will she treat?
A boy who’s ‘special’
with a mind in retreat?

Day followed day, life took a long turn.
She quelled her disquiet and forced herself to learn
The trebles and nuances of unarticulated gesture.
The first steps were taken , in an unknown pasture.

She wondered at
the brief phases of clarity
Put all her experience
to bring to reality
The promise of cohesive thought
and comprehension
Her efforts showed ,
traces of fruition.

A disaster struck, from unexpected quarters.
She lost her only child ,to drug dealers.
Plunged in inconsolable grief
Her nights passed in eluded sleep.
Tormented beyond self control
Despair sought to destroy her soul.

Help came from a strange source.
Her ‘special charge’ emerged as a life force.
He ‘expressed’ his concern in little gestures
His ‘care’ brought back life’s normal texture.
She gained a son and lost her crippling fear
She planed a life with someone who had ‘become’ dear.

A student changed a teacher’s life
Taught her that ‘life’ may not be only strife;
Many a storm may end in a rainbow
Believe my story for this ‘teacher’ I closely know.


No longer do I aim to be perfect
No longer do I shudder at ‘defect’;
Life has been a very patient teacher
May such benevolence be the fortune of every God’s creature.


Sehba said...

One word- WOW!!

Shank said...

Bhabi, I dont much like poetry. But here, after reading your first post, I am determied to read all your poems on this blog. I love the simplicity of the flow, yet richness of language and the fabulous presentation of the story. Sometimes it is necessary to have a moral at the end & I like the idea of "not trying to be perfect" very much. Kudos!