Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Chimes of Blue…………

A thought swirling through the mind for some time
What’s the reason to wake up …who gives a dime?

Grappling with Jane Austen…is that my fate?
Hated her in college…still hate….
Knowledge and further jargon of the new curriculum
Starting the day with a harrum..scarrum…

How does it matter , really??

The day is busy, busy….the evening is crammed
Bake a cake, write cheque
Read up for tomorrow’s class, has the maid cleaned the brass
Check in everyone’s dinner preference, have a family “conference”

“How was your day?”... “Oh the usual….”
“It was crap…three math classes in a row…”
“ The boss is a *&%##...anyway lets not talk about work…”

Nothing to share…. really?

What about books not read?
What about thoughts not said?
What about moments not shared?
What about joys that have left?

What about how bored you are…in general…?