Sunday, April 4, 2010


…ha ha…because I am enjoying my “Spring Break”!!! Well ‘back home in England’ that’s the season in the calendar and so here I am…enjoying the V a c a t i o n…….

and so that I am not entirely disloyal to the spirit … am indulging in a bit of “Spring Cleaning”…rummaging through my neglected hoards of books, bags and shoes…let me share with you the experience…!

I started with the noble intention of re cataloging all my books…the unread & unreadable ones that I possess to show off that I am erudite; the pulp that I buy and read to show that I am NOT a nerd ;the favorites of bygone days that I intend to savor ‘on another day’; the naughty ones that my son must not find…not yet; the utter trash that I hope to dump on people who are too dazzled by my reputation as a “reader” and will thus not dare to comment upon ; the “texts” that I must read or have read due to my profession and which I hate and cant get rid of simply because of the fear that I might “teach” them once again….. the numbers add to 700 plus….. and my math is bad!!

And thus with my newly acquired skills in Excel I started off : genre wise, author wise, title wise…a veritable professional librarian!! And then the picnic started….how can you not read a few lines…how can you not read the ending to check whether what you thought had happened had actually happened…how can you not make a separate list for the books that were before & after or by the same author and which you should have possessed and you DON’T…!

It was a banquet….and seven days down I am still savouring….and what a dandy time I am having….ofcourse nothing is still back on the carefully labeled shelves( yes…did that too …neatly typed & all!!)…nobody can enter the room and I have only two days of “break” left….

When I was young …we always got books as gifts…nowadays people give me purses( not that I mind purses!! and yes I haven’t sorted through them yet!) ….but isn’t it a pity after all……….

Anyways so that’s what I have been doing dears…and yes in a way this has been a true Spring for me…the winter of ennui ( I wrote…. but only curriculum plans, pedagogy issues, strong official mails that bore even me) is hopefully over and I possibly needed my two harbingers of Spring to say : Mrs. D!!!! It's been ages! How are you? ♥ and Ditto…..

Thank you dears!!!

So lesson of this blog: even though the Sun glares at me at 38 degree plus… I shall “look in my mind’s eye” and remember the “Spring Break” as I travel 45 kilometres one way till June 15 when the skies will open over Hyderabad and I shall start on my SUMMER BREAK! Ha…..