Saturday, November 15, 2008


“Gather ye roses” the poet Herrick said
Youth will pass, love will fade
I simply don’t agree.

Teenage was such confusion
Hormones rampant, tantrums in profusion;
Focus off-tangent by degree.

Twenties and Thirties were times unstable
Dreams and relationships demanding labels.....
The fluxes were killing.

The Forties seem the best of times,
Time to take stock, count out the chimes,
The wounds are healing.

Acquaintances fade in and out, friends have stayed
Relationships have mended, some are dead;
Life makes you move on.

The convictions are clearer, obstinacy is set
The urge to follow a trend is offset
The real “me” is born.

The moulting is unavoidable and not altogether unwelcome
Stripped of others’ words and images there comes a calm
To stand alone without inhibitions,
To no longer be scared of unpleasant explanations.

1 comment:

Debolina said...

Love the poem. Amazing!